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About (OOC)

Ave! I'm weirdoughnut (a.k.a. Donut, or other, more inane nicknames people have given me), and you've found my little corner of the PJO fandom! More specifically, you're on the site I made for my fan series, New Romans and the Hunters of Diana—which is how I'm assuming you found this site. If you got here some other way: well, what the fuck, hello! No matter how you wound up at the Argiletum, I hope you're enjoying your look around. Read my note in AO3 for more details.

...Or keep reading, because I'm going to tell you, anyway [click to expand]:

In the NRHD universe, I've inserted myself as a child of Apollo (who's got no idea if Dad was Greek or Roman nine months before I was born*). I replace Uncle Rick as the writer for the Rickverse's Greco-Roman books—since Senior Scribe Riordan is busy raising funds for the two camps through the Disney show, of course. I operate relatively in the current year, but I'm writing about events from 2011 onwards with some anachronism native to Rick's stories (ex. Lester's mention of Pokemon Go (2016) in ToA, which chronologically would have taken place in 2011). This makes me the (underpaid) "First Scribe" of the Greco-Roman union that formed after the Second Gigantomachy.†

This site primarily houses info that I can't smoothly insert into AO3. And web dev is a horrendous hobby for me to indulge in, too. Since you and I are living in the aftermath of NRHD, there's probably some things on here that give you an idea of how a character's holding up!

About New Romans and the Hunters of Diana

I started NRHD after reading ToA, disappointed that Reyna joined the Hunt—she believed needed possibly centuries to heal from her trauma, which in no small part includes experiences of ace-phobia. I didn't think that Reyna or the Hunters deserved to be uncritically charaterized in this way; the Hunt is more than a last-resort for emotionally fractured maidens on the aroace spectrum. I decided to try my pen against the Rickverse's allonormativity and the magic laws/boundaries that I felt were too untouched—enter the Hunters, stage left. Enter, as well, the protagonist Noemi: an aromantic lesbian with overactive tear-ducts and a real knack for keeping things on the down-low.

Required for reading NRHD are all main books up to The Blood of Olympus; otherwise, I provide context in the relevant AO3 sections. Not for everything (ex. I know you know Jason dies), but I do my best!

[Expand me for more specifics on NRHD's canon compliance.]

NRHD begins one day after the end of The Sun and the Star (which I shorten to "TS2"). NRHD is completely compliant up to HoO, mostly compliant with ToA (the divergence is in the details), and minimally compliant with TS2. I've disregarded everything published after TS2, occassionally make references to side books or other media types, and have included some crossover into Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. At the time of writing, I have no plans to include The Kane Chronicles (but when I re-read... you'll see. You'll all see...).


  • Necessary
    • Percy Jackson and the Olympians
    • Heroes of Olympus
  • Optional
    • Trials of Apollo
    • The Sun and the Star
    • Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

* I tried asking Mr. A. The dude doesn't remember.
† I've dubbed it the "New Society", which you can learn a little more about here.

Meet the Staff


Amber Romualdo

Administrator and Curator
Praeses of New Rome University and Consul of New Rome


Administrator and Curator
Mentor of Heroes and Hand of the Gods

"Donut" Apollonides

First Scribe and Junior Curator

I like my women like I like my coffee: there's POOP in it!!

Ella the Harpy

Sibyl Keeper and Registrar

Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es.
⁠— Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût

In English: "Tell me what you eat; I will tell you what you are." An aphorism widely considered as the origin of the phrase, "You are what you eat." Not true; I am Ella, I do not eat Ella.

Metaphors are much more tenacious than facts.
— Paul de Man, Allegories of Reading

The Sibylline Books tasted like cinnamon; I am transcribing the Sibylline Books on my friend, Tyson. In this way, the English proverb can be true.

Tyson the Cyclops

Sibyl Keeper
Hephaestian Weaponsmith and General of the Cyclops Army

I am Tyson! My friend Ella tattoos words from the important book she ate on me! If you are reading me please ask before you touch me because I am ticklish o)

I am in New Rome sometimes to visit my brother Percy, my friends (all of them have names, but I have many friends! I will not write all of their names because it will be very long and I might accidentally forget someone which will make both of us feel sad.), and do my New Roman job as Sibyl Keeper.

Claudia Antonio

Logistician and Registrar

This one's that narrator from the probatio journal thing

This is where the Scribe Emeritus would go...

If it didn't feel SO weird to include Uncle Rick like that. Pretend he's here, though, to keep the immersion.

Featured Authors

Because I have no better hobbies

Sally Jackson

Resident Author and Editor

N.B. Sally Jackson is a year-round resident, but her in-person availability is subject to change. Please consult the EVENTS page for her estimated schedule.



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Find us along the Via Sacra! We host a range of speakers, meet-and-greets, and/or signings every ides. Check our EVENTS or CONTACT pages for our schedule.

Welcaurm taur mai Kitsyen...

We haurve banaineis... aurnd aurvucaedas...


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